We have just launched a brand new support portal.
We have replaced our old FAQ section with a searchable knowledge-base to make it much easier to find answers to any questions you might have. We have also opened up our ticket system to non-customers, so if you do not find the info that you need in the knowledge-base you can raise a ticket from within the support portal.
In addition to the official support channels we have also added a community forum to provide help and advice to the wider community. The forums are free to use and open to both customers and non-customers.
The updates also extend to the customer area with a more streamlined ticket system and improved access to product technical info.
You can access the support portal wither by clicking on the '?' at the bottom right of your screen or by visiting the 'Support' link in the footer.
Please feel free to join up and get involved. We'd love to hear about any blown projects you are working on.