The Joe Blow Challenge

Here at Joe Blow if there’s one thing we love as much as boost, it’s land speed racing, and even better, combining the two together. We did exactly this back in 2016 when we took an otherwise stock 1600 single-port stationary engine and bolted a Joe Blow supercharger kit to it and installed it in a ratty oval. We ran it at Speedweek at Lake Gairdner and ended up setting an Aussie record of 109.469mp in G/BGALT class. We even managed to scoop ‘rookie of the year’ too. What a blast. (You can read about it HERE)

With the recent growing interest in AMR superchargers and the prevalence of home grown blower conversions we thought it would be a bit of fun to sponsor a couple of classes in the 36hp and Big Block Challenge for AMR powered engines to encourage people to get involved in the sport and have-a-go at trying to set a land speed record. There are a variety of locations that hold timed Land Speed Racing events, from the Bonneville Salt flats to various air strips around the world.

To help encourage participants we have put up a couple of our distributor-less ignition systems as prizes for the highest speeds attained each racing season. There are two classes, one based on the 36hp engine and one based on the later style 40/50hp engines. In both classes participants must use an AMR supercharger on an engine of no greater than 1776cc. Winners will receive one of our ignition systems, a JB Challenge trophy and a goodie bag as well as the opportunity to have their speed recorded as a record.

The two classes have been developed in conjunction with the 36hp and Big Block Challenge and the highest overall speeds attained by participants under the relevant class rules will be recorded as records under the 36hp and Big Block Challenge. The class designations and rules are listed below.

JB36 Class

Joe Blow 36HP class (JB36) - Joe Blow Superchargers Challenge (


2021 Chris Mursick - 92.510mph 1602cc streamliner     World of Speed. Bonneville. USA

36hp based engine equipped with a single Aisin AMR300 (300cc) or AMR500 (500cc) supercharger meeting the guidelines posted below will qualify for the end of year award being offered by Joe Blow Superchargers in Adelaide, Australia. It is NOT required to purchase the Aisin supercharger from Joe Blow Superchargers to qualify for their generous contingency award. The 2021 JB36 category winner will be determined at the end of the year by the overall fastest top speed recorded at any land speed racing event, regardless of country or continent or racing surface, where the track is ½ mile minimum distance in length, or longer.  Each Joe Blow Supercharger class winner will receive direct from Joe Blow, a complete Joe Blow “Distributor-less Ignition System” . JB36 racers will also qualify for the new JB36 top speed history record.

To qualify, the engine must meet the following standards:

JB36(AMR300/500 Supercharger)-Modified 36hp (30hp in other countries) engines equipped with either a Aisin brand AMR300 or AMR500 supercharger. Maximum engine displacement – 1776cc’s.

JB36 equipped engines may be installed in stock or custom bodied Bug’s, Ghia’s or pre 1967 Type 2’s, lakesters, streamliners, kit car or buggies to qualify for JB award consideration.

AMR300/500 superchargers can be modified internally however must appear externally as Aisin designed. Any ignition system may be used.  Any exhaust system may be used. Any transmission/axle may be used. External intake scoops may be fitted. Any JB36 qualified engine may also be considered for NA36 records if the body style and other mechanical equipment also meet NA36 class guidelines (different from JB36 only rules).

JBBB Class

Joe Blow Big Block Class (JBBB) - Joe Blow Superchargers Challenge (


2016 Mick Percy 109.469mph 56 Bug 1585cc       DRLA Speedweek. Lake Gairdner. Australia

BB (Big Block) engines equipped with a single Aisin AMR300 or AMR500 supercharger meeting the guidelines posted below will qualify for the end of year award being offered by Joe Blow Superchargers in Adelaide, Australia. It is NOT required to purchase the Aisin supercharger from Joe Blow Superchargers to qualify for their generous contingency award. The 2021 JBBB category winner will be determined at the end of the year by the overall fastest top speed recorded at any land speed racing event, regardless of country or continent or racing surface, where the track is ½ mile minimum distance in length, or longer. A second 2021 award will be presented to the overall fastest JB36 (36hp) as well. Each Joe Blow Supercharger class winner will receive direct from Joe Blow, a complete Joe Blow “Distributor-less Ignition System” . JBBB racers will also qualify for the new JBBB top speed history record.

To qualify, the engine must meet the following standards:

JBBB(AMR300/500 Supercharger)-Modified Big Block (40hp, 1300, 1500 1600cc) engines equipped with either a Aisin brand AMR300 (300cc) or AMR500 (500cc) supercharger. Maximum engine displacement – 1776cc’s.

JB36 equipped engines may be installed in stock or custom bodied Bug’s, Ghia’s or pre 1967 Type 2’s, lakesters, streamliners, kit car or buggy to qualify for JB award consideration.

AMR300/500 superchargers can be modified internally however must appear externally as Aisin designed. Any ignition system may be used.  Any exhaust system may be used. Any transmission/axle may be used. External intake scoops may be fitted. Any JBBB qualified engine may also be considered for SCBB records if the body style and other mechanical equipment also meet SCBB class guidelines (different from JBBB only rules).

Current and previous Challenge winners

JB36 - Chris Mursick - 92.510mph

The winner of the JB36 class for the 2021 season was Chris Mursick of Okanagan, Washington State. USA.

Chris ran a top speed of 92.510 mph in his 36hp powered streamliner at the World of Speed event held at Bonneville in September 2021.

Chris's streamliner is powered by a modified blown 36hp engine with 1602cc capacity and Wolfsburg West Okrasa heads fed by an AMR500 blower.

2016 Honourable mention

JBBB - Mick Percy - 109.469mph

Our very own Mick Percy from Adelaide Australia ran his blown oval at Lake Gairdner in South Australia back in 2016.

Mick ran a top speed of 109.469mph taking away a G/BGALT class record as well as winning rookie of the year.

Mick's oval was powered by a stock 1600 single-port running an AMR500 with a Mikuni carburettor. Unfortunately Mick has been unable to return to the salt due to injury.

SC1600BB Bug class record holder

DLRA G/BGALT class record holder

Want to have a go at Land Speed Racing?

Join the 36hp Challenge page on Facebook and have a chat with Burly Burlile. Burly is the mastermind behind the 36hp challenge and curator of all things VW and Land speed related.

Vist the 36hp Challenge
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